Sunday, March 19, 2017

New Blog on Vintage Clothing

Some of you may remember the articles I used to post by the knowledgeable MaryAnn DiSpirito Wales. I've lost those posts, due to my old blog being deleted, so I've started a new one called Grandma's Closet.
To start it off, until I get new articles or reissues from MaryAnn, I'm posting old blogs on vintage accessories such as purses, compacts, and parasols. I hope you'll take a look and subscribe in order to get notices of new posts.

If you have any interest in learning what clothes were worn in the nineteenth century and beyond that, and care about accuracy, you'll love Grandma's Closet. I will also be posting images of old clothes and any tidbits I can find on the subject. Please join me and spread the word about Grandma's Closet.

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